Publikasi saya

Syamsudin, Darmono and Partomuan Simanjuntak (2006). The effects of Leucaena leucocephala (lmk) De Wit seeds on blood sugar levels. Int. J. Sci. Res, 2(1) 49-52.

Syamsudin, Soesanto Tjokrosonto, Subagus Wahyuono, Darmono and Mustofa (2007). In vitro and in vivo antiplasmodial activities of stem barks extracts of Garcinia parvifolia Miq (Guttiferae). Int. J. Trop. Med 2(2)41-44.

Syamsudin, Shirly Kumala and Broto Sutaryo (2007). Screening of some extracts from Garcinia parvifolia Miq (Guttiferae) for antiplasmodial, antioxidant, cytotoxic and antibacterial activities. Asian. J. Plant. Sci 6(6)972-976.

Syamsudin, Soesanto Tjokrosonto, Subagus Wahyuono and Mustofa (2008). In vivo antiplasmodial and acute toxicity and in vivo of stem barks extracts of Garcinia parvifolia Miq (Guttiferae). J. Pharmacol. Toxicol 3(4)324-329.

Syamsudin, Darmono and Kusmardi (2008). The effect of Garcinia parvifolia Miq (Guttiferae) on phagocytosis by peritoneal macrophages during Plasmodium infection on mice. Res. J. Immun. 1(1):16-20.

Syamsudin, Diah Widowati and Partomuan Simanjuntak (2008). Inhibitory activity on Advanced Glycation End Products (AGEs) formation of compound of the seeds of Leucaena leucocephala (lmk) De Wit and Postprandial Hyperglycaemia. Asian. J. Pharm. Clin. Res. 1 (2):18-20.

Syamsudin, Inawati and Hendig Winarno (2008). The effect of Inai ( Lawsonia inermis L) Leaves Extract on Blood Sugar Level: An Experimental Study. Res J Pharmacol 2(2):20-23.

Faizatun and Syamsudin (2009). Development and Evaluation of Garcinia parvifolia (Miq)Miq from Tablet Dosages Forms. T. Pharm. Res,2:64-69.

Syamsudin, Rita Marleta Dewi and Kusmardi (2009). Immunomodulatory and in vivo antiplasmodial activities extract of propolis. Am J Pharm Toxicol 4(3):75-79.

Syamsudin, Sudjaswadi Wiryowidagdo, Partomuan Simanjuntak, Wan Lelly Heffen (2009).Chemical Composition of Propolis from Different Regions in Java and their Cytotoxic Activity. Am J Biochem Biotechn 5(4):180-183

Syamsudin (2010). Antioxidant Activity, Phenol and Flavonoid Contents of Indonesian Propolis. Asian J Chem, 22(1):425-429.

Syamsudin, Partomuan Simanjuntak, Ratna Djamil, Wan Lelly Heffen (2010). Apoptosis of human Breast Cancer Cells induced by Ethylacetate Extracts of Propolis. Am J Biochem Biotech 6(2): 84-88.

Syamsudin, Faizatun, Lestari Rahayu (2010). HPLC Analysis and Pharmacokinetic Study of mangostin in rat. Asian J Chem 22(9):6729-6733.

Ros Sumarny, Partomuan Simanjuntak, Syamsudin (2011). Aldose reductase and  glycosidase activities of Leucaena leucocephala (lmk)De Wit Seeds. Asian J Chem 23(5):2223-2225.

Syamsudin,Frans D. Suyatna, Sulistia Ganiswarna, Sadikin. 2004. Efek kurkumin terhadap enzim glutation peroksidase mitokondria hati tikus yang diinduksi t-BHP. Jurnal Ilmu Kefarmasian Indonesia 2(2)77-80.

Syamsudin, Rita Marleta Dewi. 2004. Efek ekstrak daun asam gelugur (Garcinia atroviridis Griff T Anders) terhadap Plasmodium berghei pada mencit. Majalah Farmasi Airlangga 4(3):101-104

Syamsudin, Ricardo Fajar Sudarman. Sri Muhardini. 2005. Studi mutagenik ekstrak biji petai cina ( Leucaena leucocephala (lmk) De Wit dengan beberapa pelarut dengan metode AMES. Jurnal Pharmacon 6(1) 1-4

Syamsudin. 2005. Kemotaksonomi dan farmakologi tumbuhan keluarga Guttiferae. Jurnal ilmu kefarmasian 3(2)88-91

Syamsudin. 2005. Mekanisme kerja obat antimalaria. Jurnal ilmu kefarmasian 3(1)37-40.

Syamsudin, Susan Marlina, Rita Marleta Dewi. 2006. Efek antiplasmodium dari ekstrak kulit batang Garcinia parvifolia Miq pada mencit yang diinfeksi P. yoelii. Jurnal Sains dan Teknologi Farmasi 11(2) 81-87

Syamsudin, Soesanto Tjokrosonto, Subagus Wahyuono, Mustofa. 2006. Efek antiplasmodium dari ekstrak kulit buah manggis (G. mangostana L) secara in vitro dan in vivo. Majalah Obat Tradisional 11(35)21-25.

Syamsudin, Frans D. Suyatna, Sulistia Ganiswarna, Sadikin. 2006. Efek kurkumin terhadap enzim glutation reduktase mitokondria hati tikus yang diinduksi t-BHP. Jurnal Kedokteran Maranatha 6(1)33-39.

Syamsudin, Yayan Rizikiyan, Darmono. 2006. Efek teratogenik ekstrak metanol biji petai cina Leucaena leucocephala (lmk) De Wit pada mencit hamil. Jurnal Bahan Alam Indonesia 6(1)33-36

Syamsudin. 2006. Resistensi obat antimalaria. Jurnal Kedokteran Maranatha 5(2)34-38

Syamsudin. 2006. Stress oksidatif di dalam model kerja obat antimalaria. Jurnal Ilmu kefarmasian 4(1) 48-51

Syamsudin, Soesanto Tjokrosonto, Subagus Wahyuono, Mustofa. 2007. Efek antiplasmodium dari fraksi aktif ekstrak n-heksana kulit batang asam kandis (Garcinia parvifolia Miq) terhadap kultur P. falciparum. Majalah Farmasi Indonesia 18(4)210-215

Syamsudin, Antonius. 2007. Efek antiplasmodium dari ekstrak etilasetat kulit batang asam kandis (Garcinia parvifolia Miq) secara in vitro. Jurnal Ilmu Kefarmasian Indonesia 5(2)49-52

Syamsudin, Damayanti, Partomuan Simanjuntak. 2007. Jurnal Ilmu Kefarmasian Indonesia 5(2)49-52. Jurnal Kedokteran YARSI 15(2)139-144.

Syamsudin. 2007. Beberapa kelainan genetik yang bersifat proteksi terhadap infeksi malaria. Jurnal Ilmu kefarmasian 5(1)45-48

Publikasi 2013

R. Hadanu*  and Syamsudin. 2013. Quantitave Structure-Activity Relationship Analysis of Antimalarial Compoundof Mangostin Derivatives Using Regression Linear Approach. Asian Journal of Chemistry. 25(11):14289. (impact factor :0,253)

Syamsudin*, Supargiyono, Subagus Wahyuono, Partomuan Simanjuntak and Mustofa. 2013. Heme Polymerization Inhibitory Activities of Xanthone from G. parvifolia (Miq) Miq Stem Bark as an Antimalarial Agent. Asian Journal of Chemistry (AJC) 25(3):1311-1314. (imfact factor: 0,253)

Syamsudin*, Awik Puji Dyah Nurhayati, Sri Nurhatika, Edwin Setiawan dan Wan Lelly Heffen 2013.Evaluation  of antimalarial activity of ethanol extract of Aaptos sp. from marine sponges from Tanjung Pecaron, Situbondo, Indonesia. Journal of Pharmacy Research (Elsevier Journal, imfact factor: 2,507)

Syamsudin*, Rahmatul Wahida Ahmad, Farid Kamal Muzaki and Noriah Mohd Noor. 2013. Antimalarial activity of Neopetrosia exigua extract in mice. Journal of Pharmacy Research (Elsevier Journal, imfact factor: 2,507)

Riyadi Ahmad, Arif Wardoyo and Syamsudin*. 2013. Evaluation of Anti-Retroviral Combination Therapy In Patients with HIV/AIDs Injecting Drug Users. Journal AIDs and HIV Research (Submit). 

Lusi A Setiani, Imam Efendi and Syamsudin. Influence the use of phosphate binders on serum levels of calcium phosphate in patients with chronic kidney disease undergoing hemodialysis. (Saudi Pharmaceutical Journal,  21, 2013. Imfact factor 0,90).

Syamsudin Abdillah, Rahmatul Wahida Ahmad, Yatnita Parama Cita and Noriah Mohd Noor. Evaluation of Antimalaria activity and Acute toxicity of Xetospongia sp
American Journal Pharmacology and Toxicology. (ISI/Scopus, impact factor 1,205).


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